Anger Management
Anger is a completely natural, and usually healthy, human emotion. It can be expressed in a variety of degrees, from mild annoyance to overt rage. Anger arises from both external (e.g.the actions of another person) and internal (e.g. brooding over a memory) events.
Anger is the response to a threat that allows us to experience powerful and aggressive feelings and behaviours in order to fight and defend ourselves.
Physiologically and biologically, the experience of anger will increase both heart rate and blood pressure, as well as having an impact on a variety of hormones (including adrenaline) and muscle tone.
We use a variety of approaches to deal with angry feelings that include:
Anger is expressed in an uncontrolled manner physically, verbally and/or non-verbally. The resulting outburst can leave all parties involved emotionally or physically damaged.
Holding on to anger or pushing it to one side can also be destructive as it can cause physiological and/or psychological problems, for example:
Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
Psychosomatic illness - a physical illness caused or aggravated by a mental factor
Unexpressed anger may also create unwanted behaviour such as:
Passive-aggressive behaviour (e.g. getting ones own back by hidden means).
The development of a hostile and cynical personalit
Anger is expressed in an assertive manner with appropriate expression of feelings and needs without hurting others.
There are no simple explanations for why some people are angrier than others. Some studies have shown that there may be a genetic link to anger (1).
This, combined with learned behaviours, may result in a person being unable to deal effectively with their own feelings (2).
However, psychological, experiential and environmental factors need to be considered too:
Habit / inappropriate coping strategy
Past trauma
Physical ailments
Psychological ailments
Have you had enough of being Mr. or Mrs. Angry?
Would like to gain more control over embarrassing and destructive outbursts?
Do you suppress your anger and would like to learn to be more assertive and express your feelings appropriately?
If so, then get in touch so that you can discover how hypnosis can change the way you feel about yourself and the world.
Hypnotherapy will be directed towards your specific needs. Situations where anger is expressed will be explored and therapy directed towards these issues will allow you to cope more effectively at these times.
Any underlying causes will also be addressed to allowing your mind to be generally much less agitated so that you can think more clearly in the type of situations which may have triggered your anger in the past.
For anger management with hypnotherapy in my Bath or Salisbury Practice get in touch now.
1. Rebollo I and Boomsma DI (2006) Genetic analysis of anger: genetic dominance or competitive sibling interaction Behavior Genetics 36 (2): 216-228
2. Wang X, Trivedi R, Treiber F and Snieder H (2005) Genetic and environmental influences on anger expression, John Henryism, and stressful life events: the Georgia cardiovascular twin study Psychosomatic Medicine 67:16-23